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Please see below for a compilation of frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding the PharMetrX Research+ Program, the PharMetrX Training+ Program, the application documents, and the application process.

PharMetrX Research+ Program

At which university will I be enrolled?

The PharMetrX Research+ Student will be enrolled at Freie Universität Berlin or Universität Potsdam. The decision will depend on the topic of the research project. Potential options and preferences will be discussed during the personal interviews.

Can the PhD project be realised at one of the Industry Partners' sites?

No. The PharMetrX Research+ Students are enrolled at Freie Universität Berlin or Universität Potsdam, from which they also receive their University degree (Dr. rer. nat.). However, one key characteristic of the PharMetrX Research+ Program is the close interaction with our Industry Partners, which, e.g., is manifested in the Industry Modules.

Whom should I approach for a letter of recommendation?

We ask for letters of recommendation from senior researchers that have experience in supervising students or guiding group members. They must hold a doctoral degree (Dr./PhD) and be at a senior level (Professor, Group leader, etc). The letters of recommendations are an important part of your application. Therefore, we recommend to approach only researchers that really know you and can make supportive statements in their letters.

Do you invite applicants for personal interviews?

Yes. The selection procedure is analogous to those of other university graduate programs. The Admission Board will short-list all applications. Shortlisted applicants will be invited for personal interviews. We will cover travel and accommodation expenses.

How do I apply and what do you ask for?

Application is exclusively online. We ask for the following information/documents (PDF format only)

  • Personal statement: 'What is your motivation to apply for the PharMetrX program?"
  • CV
  • Academic records (in German or English)
  • Contact details of two researchers (professor/group leader) to provide a letter of recommendation.

If your academic degree is the 2nd Staatsexamen in Germany, you are required to also include individual marks in each of the 5 subjects (Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Technology/Biopharmacy, Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Biology).

Is it possible to apply with preliminary results?

Yes. However, you must hold the appropriate degree before starting the PharMetrx Research+ Program. In this case admission would be subject to final approval.

What are the formal requirements?

Applicants for a PharMetrX Research+ Program must hold a university degree in natural sciences or medicine (e.g., should hold the 2. Staatsexamen or Master's/Diploma degree of the Pharmacy curriculum or a Master’s degree in Bioinformatics or Mathematics). Applicants may apply with preliminary certificates, however they must hold their university degree before their final admission to the PharMetrX Research+ Program. All applicants have to demonstrate a profound knowledge in pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, systems biology/bioinformatics OR mathematics/statistics, and must have obtained grades that are above average compared to his/her peers.

What are the selection criteria?

The selection is based on the online application (CV, academic records, personal statement), the two letters of recommendation, and the personal interview. Experience in a relevant field to the PharMetrX Research+ Program in academia or industry is welcome, but not a prerequisite.

What is the financial support given?

PharMetrX Research+ Students will receive a competitive research fellowship in addition to an allowance for conferences, travel, books etc.

Will there be an additional mentor?

Yes. Each PharMetrX Research+ Student will be assigned a mentor. The mentor will be from one of the Industry Partners of the PharMetrX Program.

Who will by my supervisor?

Each PharMetrX Research+ Student will be co/supervisor by Prof Charlotte Kloft (Clinical Pharmacy & Biochemistry) and Prof Wilhelm Huisinga (Mathematical Modelling & Systems Biology). Possible options about the main subject (clinical pharmacy, mathematics, systems biology) will be discussed during the personal interviews.

PharMetrX Training+ Program

Are there any e-learning facilities?

No, physical presence during the modules is an integral part of the Training Curriculum.

Is it possible to apply for a single Training Module?

No, the order of the Training Modules is based on an interdisciplinary, stepwise educational concept. Hence, students can only apply for the entire Training Curriculum (i.e, modules A1-A5 and I1); for a module description see here).

Do I have to be resident in Germany?

No. But as the Training Modules take place at Freie Universität Berlin and Universität Potsdam (Academic Modules) as well as at the sites of two of our Industry Partners , you  have to be present at these sites during the modules.

What are the requirements and how do I apply?

The application requirements are analogous to those for PharMetrX Research+ Students:

Applicants must hold a university degree in natural sciences or medicine (e.g., should hold the 2. Staatsexamen or Master's/Diploma degree of the Pharmacy curriculum or a Master’s degree in Bioinformatics or Mathematics). Applicants may apply with preliminary certificates, however they must hold their university degree before their final admission to the PharMetrX Program. All applicants have to demonstrate a profound knowledge in pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, systems biology/bioinformatics OR mathematics/statistics, and must have obtained grades that are above average compared to his/her peers.

In addition, we require that applicants have not yet completed the first year of their PhD studies when entering the PharMetrX program by March, and that they can prove their financing. Furthermore, we require that applicants provide us with the official letter of their admission to doctoral studies/to a doctoral program (in accordance with the doctoral regulations of the relevant university faculty; in German or English); this document is to be provided latest in February and thus before the start of the module curriculum in March.

In case we will not receive this official letter of your admission to doctoral studies/to a doctoral program, we unfortunately would have to withdraw our offer for acceptance as a Training+ PhD student to the PharMetrX PhD program and participation in the module curriculum and the PharMetrX network would not be possible.


What happens if I am unable to attend one of the Training Modules?

Upon entering the PharMetrX program, we require all students to commit themselves to participate in the entire  module program. Non-attendance of one module will only be accepted for very good reasons, with no guarantee to participate in the corresponding module next time it is offered. We reserve the right to exclude students from the PharMetrX program at non-participation.

Will I receive a certificate?

After successful participation in the Training Curriculum, you will receive a certificate documenting your participation in the module curriculum of the PharMetrX program (including the topics of the modules). The awarding ceremony will take place at the PharMetrX Network Meeting jointly with the PharMetrX Research+ students .

Module Curriculum / Research Training Modules

In which language are the Academic Modules taught?

The Academic Modules are taught in English.

What is the schedule of an Academic Module and when will the modules take place?

An Academic Module is an approx. 30 h course delivered as a block course during one week. It comprises theoretical parts in form of lectures/seminars and practical parts in form of 'hands-on' exercises. Due to the block structure of the modules, these take place within the term breaks ('Vorlesungsfreie Zeit') of the university, i.e., roughly between mid February to mid April and mid July to mid October. For the list of modules and a more detailed schedule see here. The dates of the modules will be communicated to you in our offer letter.

Where do the Academic Modules take place?

The Academic Modules take place at Freie Universität Berlin and Universität Potsdam, depending on the topic. For the list of modules see here.

Where do the Industry Modules take place?

The Industry Modules take place at the sites of two research-driven pharmaceutical companies that support the program. The I1 Module is delivered during one week, while the I2 Module has the form of an internship and is therefore organized on an individual basis (and exclusively available to students of the PharMetrX Research+ Program)

Letter of recommendation

How do I know, whether the two letters of recommendation have been uploaded?

You may check the status in your online application area. Please note that it is your duty to ensure that the two researchers submit their letters of recommendation in time (see Deadlines). Please note, you may submit your application, once all data and files are present including the letters of recommendation (indicated by the progress bar “100% complete).

Who can provide a 'letter of recommendation'?

The letters of recommendation constitute an important part in the final decision process. They should be provided by a researcher (professor/group leader) who knows you sufficiently well. He/she need not necessarily be associated with a university; however, he/she has to be able to evaluate your professional qualifications to enter the PharMetrX Program. We do not accept letters of recommendation from other PhD students or PostDocs without being group leader. We also do not accept a letter of recommendation for an internship ("Praktikumszeugnis"). Letters that are sent by the applicant himself/herself will not be accepted. The letters of recommendation have to be in English, signatures can also be electronically. Please use an official email address for both reviewers (e.g., their university email address). DO NOT USE a private email address.

Is it possible to submit a single letter with the signatures of two individuals working at the same institute?

No, your application must include 2 separate letters of recommendations by the 2 researchers whose contact details you need to inlcude in your application. These 2 researchers might work at the same institute but need to upload a letter of recommendation each.