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DPhG Jahrestagung 2013

Date & Time



Since the launch of the Structured Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX in 2008, the group of PharMetrX PhD students is continuously growing; the past PhD students now live spread out over Germany and beyond. To maintain the connections and interactions developed in the PharMetrX program and expand these across the various PhD student years to a next level, the “PharMetrX Network” will be launched this year: On November 07-08 2104, more than 20 past and present PhD students of the PharMetrX program will meet in Berlin to share and discuss ‘hot topics’ in the world of Pharmacometrics complemented by a Keynote Lecture given by PD Dr med. Alexander Nast, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Head of Division of Evidence based Medicine (dEBM), Member of the AWMF (Association of the Scientific Medical Societies) Permanent Commission "Guidelines", Head of Guidelines Commission of the European Dermatology Forum).

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