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PharMetrX is also in the press, e.g., to raise awareness about the PharMetrX PhD program and what it has to offer, to report about admission of a new industry partner, or to mark special occasions, like its 10th anniversary in 2018.

Our latest research news

New insights into cortisol replacement therapy optimization - our latest publication by Davide Bindellini et al. in July. Model-informed precision dosing for novel and established therapeutic modalities in oncology - invited conference talk by Fenja Klima in September.

We continue our module curriculum for the PharMetrX PhD student year 2024

Join us - Apply now!

The call for application for the new PhD student year starting 2025 is now open. DEADLINE: 06 Sep 2024

It's PAGE meeting time for PharMetrX

11 presentations on our research projects in our luggage to Rome/Italy from 25-28 June 2024 -

The growth of our network

Are you interested in learning more about what the program means to current and former PhD students and how it brought them forward?

Hans Günter Schäfer Science Award 2024 for Yomna Nassar

for “C-Reactive Protein as an Early Predictor of Efficacy in Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Patients: A Tumor Dynamics-Biomarker Modeling Framework”.

Apply now! Call for application 2023/2024

The call for application 2023/24 is now open to start the PharMetrX Research+ Program or the PharMetrX Teaching+ Program with the tailored Module Curriculum in March 2024. Deadline: 15 Sept 2023

Call for application poster (PDF)

New PharMetrX Research Partnership

We are very happy to welcome Novo Nordisk as new member of the industry partner consortium!

Details in joint press release of Freie Universität Berlin and University of Potsdam

Congratulations to PharMetrX program chair Charlotte Kloft and her team

Charlotte Kloft was awarded for her innovative team work on ”Early Survival Prediction Framework in CD19-Specific CAR-T Cell Immunotherapy Using a Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Model“ (in Mueller-Schoell et al. Cancers 2021). Together with colleagues from the MD Andersson Cancer Center in Texas/US, Charité-Universitaetsmedizin Berlin and Wilhelm Huisinga from the Universität Potsdam, she developed with her team a mathematical model to early predict success of the innovative CAR-T cell therapy for the individual patient.

Further information: including a short video with the awardee and on the ceremony and on the award and the project.

PharMetrX at WCoP 2022

At the World Conference on Pharmacometrics in Cape Town/SouthAfrika, on 01 April 2022 PharMetrX has been invited to give a talk.

Within the symposium "Training of the next generation of pharmacometric talents around the world", we have the pleasure to give a talk on "A German perspective: What does “interdisciplinary” in training new pharmacometric talents really mean? Joint efforts and experiences from PharMetrX and beyond" and participate in the Panel discussion with all speakers of this symposium on "A Worldwide perspective: How to train the next generation of pharmacometric talents? We are looking forward to it!